As a leading auction software provider in south east Asia, E-Multitech Solution has been delivering several types of customised Price Reveal Auction Scripts that are fully-fledged, hand-crafted, and equipped with the latest tools & technologies.
Now that you have understood the basic working principle of Price Reveal Auction site, find out about some of the features of the site’s various sections and how they will help you perform different operations.
Our expert designers, programmers and testers do what they love and do best - build original and chic auction solutions especially for you. Our team focuses on all aspects of the auction – the design, graphics, security and SEO so that your site runs smoothly, looks engaging and is user-friendly. Our clients enjoy high traffic to their auction sites as our sites are search engine friendly. The site is secure and the quality of work is exceptional. Before handing you the final project, we run it through every conceivable testing mode, and only after successfully achieving the desired results do we hand over our creative solution for you to try for yourself.
Price Reveal Auction also known as Dutch Auction, Price Drop Auction, Express Price Reveal Auction Script Software.
Our Custom Express auction/Scratch/Dutch/Reveal Auction Software is robustly built with clean code, standard classes and modules, and all possible latest tools and technology.
In the price reveal auction site, the customer purchases items (products) whenever he or she thinks the price is right. In this way the customer remains in control. In reveal auction, often called express auction, the product starts at a retail price. However, the client cannot see the actual price or buy it. You need to click the ‘Reveal’ button in order to see the current price and have the opportunity to buy the product.
When the members click on the ‘Reveal’ button, the price is revealed and they can buy the product at the revealed price. It will cost them a credit each time they click, but the price of the product drops by xx cents. Once the visitor decides to buy the product, he will be taken off the website and the auction is over.
The basic concept of the Express Reveal Auction site is the same as with any other type of auction software. However, E-Multitech goes one step further by customising the Reveal Bidding Software according to your ideas and concepts.
We listen to our clients and we develop the system according to their particular requirements, ideas and concepts. We have developed more than one hundred high quality price reveal auction websites. We have clients from the USA, India, China, UK, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Italy and other European countries trusting us to design their price reveal auction websites. There are no limits as to how we can customise our products and build new features.
This section helps you to manage all your shop/store’s auction items and add, edit, delete or view each auction item as appropriate. You can always post products and come back later to add more descriptive details whenever you are free.
The chic buttons at the corner of each page are clearly visible and remind you to check the information of each product. A particular auction also can be set at a different status - Open/Live, Closed, Future, Cancelled, and Dispatched. Each newly inserted auction item has a photo gallery. Finally, you can easily set different values pertaining to the auction items while adding it. Each item (product) of the store has the following fields:
Eevery open bid has crucial information related to it. Without this information you cannot run the auction site or get an idea about the status of each bid. For example, if you have posted the product ‘Laptop’ for a bid, then you want to know:
The same process is applied to all the other bids having any other status - e.g. Closed, Cancelled and Dispatched. This section allows you to get all important reports at the end of the day. We have developed the control panel to be extremely user-friendly, and you can easily become an expert in a few days.
We’ve discussed how you as the super administrator can manage all the items in the bid as well as keep track of each bid’s important details (shipping, profits generated, and the winner).
Now let’s look at another important section of the Price Reveal Auction site. Without this section you will achieve very little with your auction site. No matter how many products you have in the site, you won’t be able to generate profit from it if you don’t know how to manage the users (members) of the Price Reveal auction. This section lets you view, add, edit or delete members.You can search for users by name, make a backup of their important information in CSV file format and save it for future reference. The section displays the site's statistics, and other user details:
This section also stores other information pertaining to the members of the site such as their username, password, email address, street address and city amongst others. You can also choose to change this information. For example if some users have changed their location, you can set the new address from this section.
The front end section is the front view for your visitors and members of the site. To customise your auction site you can check how each section displays in the front end design, and if you choose to change some sections, you can go to the back end (control panel) and change the content and settings.
All these sections are generally found in the standard Express Auction Script. But E-Multitech Solution can deliver a versatile, flexible, top-of-the-range auction bid site that fits your requirements. Don’t have a clue as to what your Price Reveal Auction might look like?