E-Multitech Solution delivers several types of customised Lowest Unique Bidding Auction Software as Low Bid Auction Script. The Lowest Unique Auction Bidding Script can be varied according to your needs.
E-Multitech's Low Bid Auction Each basic lowest unique bid auction software package comes with the following basic features and modules. Unlike selling and buying products in a traditional or forward auction site, in the lowest unique bid auction, any bids placed by users at the end of the auction that are both unique and lowest will win the bid. Usually, a ceiling and bottom amount is set at a lower level (through discounts), than the actual value of the auction item. We have clients from around the world using our auction bidding scripts, including USA, UK, Australia, Singapore, India, Italy, Malaysia, Germany and many other European countries.
E-Multitech Solution delivers several types of custom Lowest Unique Bidding Auction software or Reverse Auction scripts. The Reverse Auction bidding script may vary according to your requirements.
What does Reverse Auction Bidding Software look like, you might ask? Excellent question!Look at the lowest bid amount that has less bid frequency. The lowest unique bid is $0.05. The user - buyer or bidder - who places this lowest unique bid will win the auction. The bidder will then buy the product at this price.
online auction script is developed using object-oriented programming language MVC (CodeIgniter), PHP, MySql, Javascript, Node.js, Ajax, and jQuery. We use a wide variety of tools and technolo-gies in order to ensure that the software performs at it’s best, with minimal fuss and minimal glitch-es. We have successfully tested and run all our low bid auction software, ensuring high perfor-mance and easy installation. The sites we develop are also search-engine friendly and can handle huge traffic at any given time. We use Bootstrap to make your website responsive, mobile friendly and smart phone compatible. We have also developed various mobile apps with our software for both Android and IOS.
E-Multitech Solution's online reverse low bid auction script includes both a back end and front end design; the back end being where the entire lowest unique auction software is controlled (by you, the ad-ministrator), and a front end design or front view for the user viewing the site.
This section helps you to manage all of your shops/store auction items; either add, edit, delete, or view the auction items through the buttons at the corner of each page. A particular auction can be set to a different status - Open/Live, Closed, Future, Cancelled, and Dispatched - according to it’s nature. In addition to a photo gallery for each newly inserted auction, the auction can also be set to multiple languages. You can easily set different values pertaining to the auction items whilst either adding or posting them via the Auction Item Management section.
All of the various sections listed above and their functionality are usually found on the standard custom Lowest Unique Bid Auction Script. However, E-Multitech Solution can come up with a ver-satile, flexible, and top-of-the-range auction bid site that fits your particular requirements..