Gift Card Auctions
Popular Unique Bid Auction Software, E-Multitech Solution offers different types of Highest Unique Bid Auction or Unique Auction Soft-ware with proper coding and highly secure scripts. Each script can be varied according to your needs.
Even though the foundation concept of the Highest Unique Bid Auction is common, we provide customisation of the auction site according to our client’s personal tastes and requirements. Listed below are the basic features of our Highest Unique Bid Auction Software.
Highest Unique Bid Auction is one type of unique bidding software. Unlike the Lowest Unique Bid, the winner is usually the individual/bidder with the highest unique bid when the bid closes. The maximum bid value is generally kept at a lower value than the actual value of the item. Unique bids are also called strategy games or competitions, and bidders pay a subscription fee in order to be able to participate.
In the above example, it looks as if the bid amount of $0.11 is the highest bid; however it is not unique because there are other bid amounts with less bid frequency. Hence, the bidder/member who placed the bid $0.05 will be the winner of this auction bid.
E-Multitech Solution (web design, web development, and outsourcing company), presents different kinds of Highest Unique Bid Auction or Unique Auction Software for any type of business
This section helps you to manage all of your shops/store auction items; either add, edit, delete, or view the auction items through the buttons at the corner of each page. A particular auction can be set to a different status - Open/Live, Closed, Future, Cancelled, and Dispatched - according to its nature. In addition to a photo gallery for each newly inserted auction, the auction can also be set to multiple languages. You can easily set different values pertaining to the auction items whilst either adding or posting them via the Auction Item Management section.
In addition to adding and editing of an auction item, a particular auction can also be set in different status - Open/Live, Closed, Future, Canceled, and Dispatched – from this section.
You can also check the report of every other auction bid that has a different status (e.g. Closed, Canceled and Dispatched bids).
Once a winner is named and awarded, the winner may have the following questions in their mind.
The super administrator can manage all this important information via the Shipping and Delivery Management section, so that your members know exactly when they will receive their product as well as who will deliver the product.
The front end acts as a view for the members, visitors, and yourself. The front end is An interface between the user and the back end. Responsible for collecting input from the users in various forms and processing it. An abstraction, simplifying the underlying component by providing a user-friendly interface.
All of the various sections listed above and their functionality are usually found on the standard custom Lowest Unique Bid Auction Script. However, E-Multitech Solution can come up with a ver-satile, flexible, and top-of-the-range auction bid site that fits your particular requirements.
Contact us here for a customised, highly secure, and latest technology driven Highest Unique Bid Auction Software/Script.